Aug 13, 2022 | Step and Repeat
Ah… the glamour and sophistication of the red carpet is almost irresistible. A red carpet event is usually thought of as formal occasion featuring celebrities, famous sports heroes, fashion models, well-known politicians or heads of state. Renowned red carpet events...
Aug 13, 2022 | Step and Repeat
You’ve come for the nitty gritty distinctions between the step and repeat, the media wall, and the logo wall. Each one of these is a variation on the backdrops erected at the end of the red carpet for celebrities during major events, like the Oscar’s or Grammy’s, and...
Aug 13, 2022 | Step and Repeat
You may be familiar with the phrase “Rinse, Lather, Repeat.” But do you know about “Step and Repeats?” It is likely you have seen Step and Repeat graphics dozens of times without actually being aware that every day you are subliminally being exposed to logos, graphics...