501C3 Charities
As a company we have a strong philanthropic spirit and support numerous 501C3 charities throughout the year. Our donations are global and vary from grassroots local organizations, to environmental warriors, international aid, medical research, plight awareness and more. We have requests on a daily basis and always work with charities to provide the most cost efficient options.
We donate a substantial amount of Step and Repeats and event signage annually. Due to the great demand and fairness to all, we choose our recipients by lottery the beginning of each year. All applicants must have a valid 501C3 number and provide a letter of acceptance for the donation. We also appreciate a link on the recipients website, as we will also add a link on ours.
We do not have any leanings toward religious or political affiliation, race or ethnicity and welcome the opportunity to work with all bright spirited endeavors.